Wednesday, May 2, 2012

First of all, HAPPY SUMMER to all of those who are done with school, and for those who aren't, only one month to go!!! I am so psyched to get back to my blog, I had a crazy last couple of weeks and I'm really glad to be home for the summer!

Since we do still have a month until summer officially begins, I know this is the time when people go gym crazy trying to get into the best shape they can for bathing suit season! Since an hour of the elliptical, stair stepper or treadmill can tend to get extremely boring, I wanted to give you guys some new exercises that I love to do that are really different and challenging. I hope to motivate everyone to switch up their routine and incorporate some of these, even if you have to modify it a bit, still give them a shot! Challenge yourself to get in the best shape you can this summer! I am really thankful for my health and that is why I try to take advantage of it every day by getting in the best shape I can.

I would love any feedback, suggestions, questions, etc. so don't be afraid to comment! =)


  1. Rose,
    I have been reading a lot of your recent posts and I love your blog! I have really been trying to take control of my health and become a more active person. Your exercises are great, and I can't wait to try more when I get home. I was wondering are you still vegetarian? Recently I have been thinking about becoming one for health reasons! Keep posting can't wait to see what else you've got under your sleeve.

    Rebecca Dubas

  2. Hey Becca, thanks for the comment!! I am still a
    vegetarian, I'm actually considered a "peso-lacto-ovo tarian" because I eat fish and eggs but besides that no other meat, and you should definitely try it out! Even just limiting red meat to once or twice a week would be a really good start. Thanks for following my posts!

  3. yeah that's what I was planning on starting as! I don't really eat much red meat to begin with, the chicken would be the harder part for me. I know you did a triathlon before, and I am going to start training for my sprint triathlon that I signed up for in august and would love any tips you have!

    1. That's awesome you're doing a sprint triathlon! I loved mine!! The hardest part for me was definitely the swimming but it was really awesome so if you have any questions this summer when you're training just let me know!

  4. we gotta do these workouts together when summer comes =] im excited just watching! i wanna sign up for some of your times =]

    1. sounds good to me!! I'd love to work out with you, I have tons of exercises I think you'd really like!

    2. Yeah count me in that toooo Rose and Caitlin!:) Don't know how to put my name in but it's Winnie. =]
