Sunday, July 1, 2012

Homemade Peanut Butter Granola Protein Bars!

Happy July 1st!! This summer is seriously flying by.

My weekend was full of pool time and lots of yummy and healthy food, and I have a great granola bar recipe for you.

Peanut Butter Granola Protein Bars

-2 cups oats
-1 cup peanut butter (*organic, natural peanut butter, the only ingredient should be peanuts!)
-2 tbsp. of natural almond butter
-1 tbsp. of natural cocoa powder (*only ingredient should be raw cocoa, no sugar)
-1 scoop of vanilla protein (I use plant fusion)
-1 tbsp. of cinnamon
-1 splash of coconut or almond milk
-1 tbsp of honey

Combine oats, cocoa powder, vanilla protein powder, and cinnamon in a bowl. Stir in the remaining ingredients.


Transfer the granola to a dish and flatten it out. Refrigerate for at least an hour to let it set. Cut into squares.

These bars are honestly so delicious. I always put a square of it on top of vanilla almond yogurt with some fresh berries for dessert, and YUM! Definitely try it out, it's so simple and a great snack to have instead of buying the processed protein and cereal bars from the grocery store.

Some other simple and healthy meals I made this weekend...

Comment if you want to know any of the recipes :).


  1. Making all the healthy food look good! Okay, maybe...I'm definitely going to try those pb bars.

    1. Haha you should! The kids will love them!
