Monday, September 17, 2012

Goin' to Cali!

Happy Monday everyone...crazy how fast the weekend goes by!

Last week was so full of excitement I didn't get a chance to write on my blog...first of all, CORT AND I WERE ACCEPTED TO USC! I still can't believe I am moving to California in 3 months, but I could not be more excited!! The health and fitness industry is huge out there so it is such a great opportunity, I can't wait!

Our acceptance came at the perfect time, since my birthday was just 3 days later, the big 2-0! Cort baked me this delicious confetti cake and I had no problem taking down 2 enormous pieces. Yum!

In other news, some people have asked what I do for my workouts each week, and it pretty much looks like this...

Monday: 40-50 min run, box jumps, and 20 min of yoga
Tuesday: Crossfit!
Wednesday: Crossfit!
Thursday: A 1 hour workout of hill sprints, burpees, push ups, and squat jumps
Friday: 40-50 min run, 3 sets of 30 lunges, and 20 minutes of yoga
Saturday: Crossfit!
Sunday: OFF! =)

I go to Crossfit Nittany for my crossfit workouts. I was determined to find a good gym when I got to school and I was lucky to find this awesome crossfit gym with really intelligent and experienced trainers. They totally kick my butt and I am officially hooked!

After my run today I was starving and didn't feel like taking too much time to make dinner, so I decided to use the left over salmon from last night, and combine it with some quinoa and lentils, both of which only take 20 minutes to cook on the stove. It may look a little bland, but it was the perfect meal to fill me up... full of omega 3's, fiber, whole grains, and protein.

Yesterday my meals were much more exciting to look at so I had to share some pics. For lunch I had a big plate of cut up veggies, fruits, kale chips, and nuts. For dinner I made a fresh piece of baked cod over dark greens, zucchini, asparagus, and cherry tomatoes. Two really simple and delicious meals!

I bought a bag of organic frozen peach slices at Wegman's yesterday and I plan on making a fruit smoothie with those bad boys tonight, so I will let you know how it turns out! =)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

"Peanut Butter Cup" Shake

Hey everyone!

I have a delicious new recipe for you. A 'healthified' peanut butter cup shake! It is a great snack to make after a workout, or for a guilt free treat when you are craving something sweet at night. It is so easy to make, there is no added sugar, and it is dairy free!

Peanut Butter Cup Shake

-1 frozen banana (Peel and cut the banana before freezing!)
-1 spoonful of all natural almond butter (you can use peanut butter if you don't have almond butter)
-2 spoonfuls of powdered peanut butter
-1 spoonful of all natural unsweetened cocoa powder
-A splash or two of unsweetened coconut milk

-Put everything into your food processor or blender and blend until smooth (but still thick!)
-Top with fresh berries and a sprinkle of powdered peanut butter and enjoy!